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We all want the best for ourselves and can’t help to observe items in ur everyday that reflect a status of finer living. No one can say they are happy with the minimum when there exists more. One can be comfortable at a place in their present existence where they may not have access to all those items that reflect wealth, luxury, or up to date or in-season status…

But don’t EVER get it confused that a someone in their “well” being doent’t wants “things”. That’s just what they are and being though this isn’t an English class, in the sense of academics, we are accustomed to depend on some kind of service or utlilty to make it possible to “live”. And in today’s economy and the pressures it has placed onto society as a whole, not everybody is “livin”. But we ALL desire to.

So, to what ever it is that makes you “Go HArd” Sunday to Sunday…Your family, your work, your accomplishments, your possessions… Or just cause there ain’t sh*t else to do with the day… Including that which I listed above, the new 2012 BMW M-Series and a gorgeous, woman persuing her dreams of success are mine.

Keep Strong>>> ZAK